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Crédit Agricole Creditor Insurance

Responsible insurer

Who we are:

Specialized in Lifestyle Protection and Creditor Insurance, the subsidiary of Crédit Agricole Assurances is market leader in Europe with 15 partners in 6 countries. Since its creation in 1998, CACI has been developing its activities in partnership with local banks and specialized financing companies, and offers a full range of products designed to meet the financial protection needs of its partners and their customers.

What makes us unique:

With its long-standing expertise in Lifestyle Protection and Creditor Insurance, CACI not only offers innovative products tailored to customers in various market segments, but also develops flexible operating models and new information systems tailored to the needs of its partners. These solutions will play an increasingly important role in a rapidly changing regulatory and competitive environment.

347.3 billion euros

Life insurance portfolio worldwide (2024)

In 6

countries represented


Market leader in Europe for life and creditor insurance

Find Crédit Agricole Creditor Insurance

CACI Life DAC (Deutschland) & CACI Non-Life DAC (Deutschland)

Königstraße 35, 70173 Stuttgart


Visit the CA Assurances Website