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Financial Lawyer/Legal Counsel m/w/d

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Vacancy details

General information

  • CACEIS is the asset servicing banking group of Crédit Agricole and Santander dedicated to asset managers, insurance companies, pension funds, banks, private equity and real estate funds, brokers and corporate clients.

  • Through offices across Europe, North and South America, and Asia, CACEIS offers a broad range of services covering execution, clearing, forex, securities lending, custody, depositary and fund administration, fund distribution support, middle office outsourcing, issuer services and transfer agent.

  • With 7,000 employees and a large client base, CACEIS is a European leader in asset servicing and one of the major players worldwide.

  • By working every day in the interest of society, we are a Group committed to diversity and inclusion and place people at the heart of all our transformations. All our job offers are open to persons with disabilities.

Reference number 2024-95023

Publication date 18/12/2024

Job description

Business type Legal

Contract type Fixed-Term Contract

Duration in (month) 24

Expected start date 01/03/2025

  • Bearbeitung von aufsichts- und vertragsrechtlichen Fragestellungen der Bank in ihrer Funktion als Verwahrer von Wertpapieren und Kryptowerten, als Abwickler von Wertpapiergeschäften und Kapitalmaßnahmen, als Anbieter von Clearingdienstleistungen sowie als Verwahrstelle für OGAW- und AIF-Fonds gem. KAGB

Job location

Geographical area Germany

City München

Candidate criteria

Minimal education level Bachelor Degree / BSc Degree or equivalent

Academic qualification / Speciality Bachelor Degree / BSc Degree or equivalent

Experience 3-5 years

Required skills

• Studium der Rechtswissenschaften oder vergleichbarer Abschluss

Technical skills required • Gute Kenntnisse der MS Office Anwendungen

Languages Gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse im beruflichen Umfeld, Französisch willkommen